Thursday, July 31, 2008

Weekend Options

It is almost upon us. Rides ----------Saturday, Sunday----who's in??


CSW said...

I will be doing the Buffalo Grove - Bull Valley route on Saturday morning. 70 miles, 2 rest stops + coffee at the end.

pablo said...

Email from BT:

Well the weekend is upon us.....................

I would like to propose a repeat of the ride from last Saturday-depart south skokie @ 7:30-centennial @ 7:45-north plaza del lago corner @ 8:00

if this works let me know who to look for - if not let me know and i'll try to modify my plan if grandma geri can come earlier


North guys leave HP at 7:15 - who is in?

Fred said...

I wiwl wobble awong with you ...........tired of this yet???