Thursday, June 25, 2009


exerpt from the WGaS By-Laws

Section 230-Paceline Protocol

230.01-it shall be expressly prohibited to use the right side gutter to encroach, pass or in any other means impede other riders

230.02-it shall be expressly prohibited to use improper, exaggerated, or otherwise bizarre hand signals for turns, stops, road hazards

230.02(a)-riders in the #1 pull position should lead the paceline away from road hazards (ie: potholes, glass, etc.) precluding the need for verbal or hand alerts
230.02(b)-when verbal or hand signals are indicated they should be simple and specific

230.03-it shall be expressly prohibited for a rider who is not familaiar with the planned route to stay in a #1 position for a pull; in such a situation the rider shall relinquish his pull to the next rider

230.04-all riders shall signal clearly using an elbow "wag" of their intention to give up a pull-the choice of left or right will indicate the side that the rider wishes to be passed on-right elbow=right side/left elbow=left side

230.05-if a rider is unable to maintain the pace speed upon acquiring the #1 pull position, that rider should immediately signal and relinquish the pull


First Violation-warning
Second Violation-stern warning
Third Violation-Banishment from the WGaS Peloton

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