Thursday, March 18, 2010

By laws

52.1 Rider Categories
Riders of the WGaS Gruppetto shall be classified into the following categories:

Cat 1-those riders who have been part of the group for over two (2) seasons and ride no less than three (3) times per week on average with the WGaS group during the prime season - "prime season" being defined as May 1 through September 30

Cat 2-those riders who have been part of the group for over two (2) seasons or ride at least three (3) times per week on average with the WGaS group during the prime season

Cat 3-those riders who have been part of the group for less than (2) seasons or ride less than three (3) times per week on average with the WGaS group during the prime season

Guest rider-any rider not possessing a WGaS kit

53.2 Rights of riders by category

Cat 1-all rights and privileges including, but not limited to:

1) emailing the full WGaS group

2) suggesting ride times and routes

3) granting permission for a rider to join a specific ride as a "guest rider" -refer to guest rider-related bylaws

4) commenting on other rider of any category

5) calling out paceline structure

(ie: rotating/2-by/counter clockwise/et al)

Cat 2- all of the same as a Cat 1 member; however, a Cat 1 may

overrule the Cat 2

Cat 3- none of the above rights and may be sanctioned for improper use or attempting to exercise any of the rights of a Cat 1 or 2 member

Guest rider-refer to the bylaws pertaining to a guest rider

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